Thursday, 28 March 2019

Who has freewill?

In this interview, given me by Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Peter Fenwick, he questions Contemplative Rupert Spira, who describes Jesus’ kind of consciousness, cosmic consiousness. This isn't thinking, but the intimate awareness in which all thought feeling sensation and matter arises. The universe is made of this awareness so we could call this God, but it is as secular as it is religious. So go slowly with this one, it takes some considerable reflection........................

The contents of human consciousness have had a long evolution, so examination of the source of our personality, or therapy, is necessary. But we also need to be at one with the source of the universe.  Our personal awareness is too shallow for cosmic consciousness, which is to know our true nature is infinite, the divine from which finite fear desire and memory is made (2 Peter 1;4). 

If we only avoid the unpleasant and seek the pleasant, we are attached to fear and desire. Fear is desire to escape, rather than embrace all bodily experiences as temporary. In this insight Rupert “does not know a world out there,” just like Jesus who has “overcome the world.” (John 16;33). As Rupert says, “Awareness has no objective qualities.” Rupert “cannot separate himself as the aware knowing presence from perception,” like Jesus who said “the light of the body is the eye, and if your eye is single, your whole body is full of light.” This means the way we see is what we see, so Christian Desert Father and Mothers taught watchfulness of all thoughts and sensations, and more recently Quantum Physics suggests observation alters the physical world.

To this end Rupert says his experience of the world is “current perception,” like Jesus’ teaching not to be concerned with tomorrow but to let tomorrow be concerned with itself, or what we might call a psychological flow state, but one that can embrace fear and desire and know the spiritual. “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof,” as the King James says (Matt 6;34). 

Jesus taught; “lose your life to find it” (Matt 16;25) and your “left hand not knowing what the right is doing” (Matt 6;3).  This egoless source of body/mind personality is a non-dual ground in which “my father sends rain on the good and evil” (Matt 5;45), or you "love your neighbour as yourself" (Mark 12;31) because your neighbour is yourself.  Rupert says; “There is no separate you to be advantaged, no choosing entity, thoughts just arise unbidden like the weather, and the same power that lifted my hand asked the question about who lifted it.” When Rupert talks of ego-less-ness, and of his teacher of ego-less-ness, Rupert's teacher is not Jesus, but a teacher of Advaita, or philosophical monism.  Nevertheless, Jesus teaches union of the soul with God. 

In the gospels, ‘Rabbouni’ is his name and his teaching is Contemplation, knowing you are a spiritual being having a human experience, that this life is in Eternal life, one-ness with all, a quality like birds and flowers who don’t toil, disciples who rejoice in insults, blessed by grief, light of the world, or, consciousness.  Biblically speaking, I am is the name of God. Rupert says “I am not a person, nor are you and nor is anybody, I am the awareness in which thoughts sensations and perceptions arise,” and this transpersonal awareness features throughout John’s gospel. It is “I am the vine and you are the branches” (John 15;5), and in the opening of Colossians, Ephesians, and 1 John, which say the whole universe is in ‘Christ’, the wisdom embodied in Jesus.

It’s for us temporary body/minds to know this living wisdom, despite apparent blocks caused by attachment to desire and self image. Jesus said; “I and my father are one, may they be one in us,” (John 17;21). When Rupert says; “The world as experienced is made out of our own being,” this is the one “in whom we live and move and have our being.” (Acts 17;28) This means you are birthless and deathless. “The bus the body and room are real as consciousness, not as matter or mind,” which produce fear and desire.  The time to realise this is now.  As Rupert says “eternity is ever present.” Jesus said “the Kingdom is at hand” (Matt 3;2) “the time is come” (John 4;23).